Table of Contents

Best Practices about Environment

For the purpose of selling the product it is best to keep the environment as neutral as possible.

Having a background and strong lighting which reflects on the product surface is distracting to the user and creates focus on something else than the product itself.

Our default is very neutral background and studio like lighting with few wide light "sources" that help generate enough reflections that metallic or otherwise reflective materials on the products behave realistic.

If you want specific reflections from differen surfaces, then adding the specific file as EnvironmentMap will create reflections from surfaces that reflect in accordance to their PRB properties. As reflections may create distraction from the product itself, the best practice is to keep the environment neutral.

Light behavior controls

We recommend to keep the color of the ambient light in the environment close to pure white, but certain products may require a bit of blue, red or yellow color instead. You can experiment and test these but avoid very strong colors.

For some parameters:

  • Warm White in RGB is (253, 244, 220)
  • Cool White in RGB is (244, 253, 255)

The intensity control defines how strong the light is. As white color will easily "burn" through with strong lighting, we recommend using values under 1.0.

Note also that the light setup is ambient, it has not direction, therefore objects in scene do not cast a shadow.

For practice and testing purposes

While we do not recommend using these, for studying purposes, you can find HDRI files from Polyhaven for example.