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Naming and other Conventions in Asset Management

Naming 3D assets

While not utmost important, it would be useful to have a convention of for naming assets so that their searching would be easier when looking for them in the asset store when linking.

This is easily omitted when using drag-and-drop and less important when you have but becomes more useful when you have a large portfolio of assets that are used potentially in many places and many product libraries.

The key is to more quickly identify the asset purpose by having some indicator in the file name.

Our recommendation is to

  • indicate compression (DRACO) in the filename of the 3D assets
  • indicate the size in case of many parts that differ in dimensions (eg. Chairs of different seat depths, legs of various dimensions)
    • This may lead to many identifies as some times you have two or three dimensions that vary on a part
  • indicate the context of the texture files (eg. the material name which the files link to)
  • indicate the map type in the filename of the texture asset (eg. NR for Normal Maps)