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How to configure a wall mounted product

Use a structure that supports wall mounting. Free placement structure allows the most freedom in the element placement. Linear structure or combination of multiple structures can also be used.

Configure free placement structure

By default, the free placement structure allows moving modules on the floor. The structure needs to be rotated by 90 degrees to form the vertical wall surface.

FreePlacementSurfaceProperties.RotationX = -90

The floor level is configured to prevent modules being moved under the floor level.

FreePlacementSurfaceProperties.MinYEnabled = true
FreePlacementSurfaceProperties.MinY = 0

Optionally, maximum height and horizontal offset can also be set in a similar way than the floor level.

Visible wall

Add a slot for the wall part directly under the product itself. Enable MustBeConnected so that the wall is always present. Next, add a Part to the slot which represents the wall. Import 3D model asset representing the wall for the part.

It is a good idea to disable the selection of the wall and also ignore the size of the wall from the product measurement calculations.

RootProperties.Selectable = false
RootProperties.Measurable = false

To hide the wall from the product summary page, add a SalesCodeMapping property set to the wall and set the Amount to zero. Add any code to the CaseGroups to ensure the SalesCodeMapping is active.

Scaling plane groups can be optionally used to configure the visual size of the wall.