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Multi-connector Structure


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Multi-connector structure is a structure logic that allows construction of modular products using parts and connectors. For any part in the composition, the configuration permits definition of connectors, which points to which another item can be connected. The role of parts inside the structure can be categorized based on the number of connectors they have. Parts with a single connector acts as end pieces, parts with two connectors can be used to build a linear segment, and parts with more than two connectors can be used to introduce branches to the structure. Additionally, at least one part must have a root connector, which is used to start the building by connecting it to the floor, wall, or a parent component.

Products using multi-connector structure can vary a lot in complexity. A simple configuration with a small number of parts and connectors works in a similar way than a Slot or a Linear Structure. On the other hand, complex three-dimensional patterns can be created by having many connectors with different rotation values.

Base properties


ITEM_TYPE: MultiConnectorStructureDefinition

Property Name Type Localized Description
Enabled Toggle/scripting N Toggle this to enable/disable all the elements under the multi-connector structure. If toggle is disabled, in the web app they will be hidden
DisplayName Text Field Y Used as a subcategory name
ItemPlacement Radio Button N When instantiating an element: - PlaceSingle (will show the possible placer one time only, then you need to click the element again.) - PlaceInSequence (will show the placer automatically after every addition, hence making adding new elements faster.)

Optional property sets

Connectivity Matrix

Multi-connector Structure Connectivity Matrix Properties

PROPERTY_SET: MultiConnectivityMatrixProperties

Property Name Type Localized Description
Expand Matrix Button N Opens a new panel for editing the connectivity matrix
Connections chart view N Specifies if two connectors of connector types given by the row and column are allowed to form a connection


Custom Property set (or sets) allow definition of logic that defines something that otherwise is not predefined in the system logic.

PROPERTY_SET: CustomProperties

Property Name Type Localized Description
Name Text field Y The name of the custom property. It can be referred to in scripting from elsewhere
Value Scripting N Value or scripting logic that the property has


Validation rule property set is used to define logic that can be useful to ensuring the the item where the validation rule is will follow define rules.

PROPERTY_SET: ValidationRule

Property Name Type Localized Description
DisplayMessage Text Field Y Text that is shown on the Planner when the conditions of the rule are true
Level Radio Button N Selection should the rule show error, suggestion or indicating something is missing
Trigger Scripting N The logic that defines the validation rule


Classification tag allows the configurator to define a name in the system that can be referred to in other logic components through the scripting system

PROPERTY_SET: ClassificationTag

Property Name Type Localized Description
Tag Text field N A label that is associated with the item it's been configured to

Per part configuration

The Parts that are placed as children of the Multi-connector Structure are considered as items where the logic of the Multi-connector Structure will apply. In order to the part to be available, at least one Connector property set must be added to it. By default, a newly added parts has three connectors: Left, Right and Ground. These are not mandatory and can be freely modified by the user.

Example of the Multi-connectorStructurePropertyset

parameter type explanation
Name text Name of the connector
Type text Type of the connector
Alignment 3D coordinate the position of the connector in 3D space
Offset 3D coordinate absolute offset of the 3D mesh on the bounding box
AlignedOffset 3D coordinate relative offset of the 3D mesh on the bounding box
Rotation degrees on 3d axises degree of turn in the respective 3D axis relative to the bounding box
DisabledBeforeInstantiation toggle If enabled this connector is used only if the part is already placed in the scene. Setting this to true can be useful in symmetric corner parts in order to single out a primary connector.

As opposed to linear structure, two connecting connectors must have an opposite rotation in order for them to connect in the right way. By default, the connector points up, and has an axial alignment in Z-axis. Refer to the 3D terminology and 3D configuration guides for detailed explanation of the parameters for alignment, offset, AlignedOffset and Rotation

Multi-connector Logic Connectivity Matrix

Connectivity matrix controls which connectors are allowed to join together. The matrix is formed on columns and rows and checkmarks crossing the column and row.