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Pre Built Component


Pre Built component is used to demonstrate a complete or partially complete compositions as a starting point or inspriration to the end users. Having an empty canvas is not necessariyl intuitive to the buyer and it is more helful to make few prepared compositions that kick-start the imagination process of the buyer.

You can add Custom Properties or Classification Tag to the Pre built Component

You can define a category for the Pre Built componets to the Planner menu and you can define one Pre Built component as default in the Product Property Set Root Properties.

To create new Pre Built Component, select "add.. Pre Built Component" from the Product context menu . If you alredy know the name for the pre built, type the name into the selected new field or rename the component later. You can then see the components root properties as empty .

In order to edit the Pre Built Component, you should press the "Edit Pre Built Component" button and a new modal opens with mini-planner where you can edit the composition. When you are done with the edit, press "Save and Close" and the composition is saved, the thumbnail is created based on the exact viewport view you had on the mini-Planner and the 3D asset is linked to the root properties. You should provide a descriptive name and description to the composition byt editing "DisplayName" and "Description" properties as these are

Base Property

The Pre Built Component comes with only Root Property set as base.

Root Properties

ITEM_TYPE: PreBuiltComponent

Property Name Type Localized Description
CompositionId generated N Composition can be generated opening the "Edit pre-built component" dialog. Saving it will generate a thumbnail for both the compositionId field and the ThumbnailImageAsset
ThumbnailImageAssetId PNG/JPG Asset N Thumbnail for the composition, generated automatically when you design the composition
DisplayName Text field Y Localized text for the name of the composition
Description Text field Y Localized description of the composition
Hidden Toggle N Is this pre built component hidden from the planner?

Optional property sets


Custom Property set (or sets) allow definition of logic that defines something that otherwise is not predefined in the system logic.

PROPERTY_SET: CustomProperties

Property Name Type Localized Description
Name Text field Y The name of the custom property. It can be referred to in scripting from elsewhere
Value Scripting N Value or scripting logic that the property has


Classification tag allows the configurator to define a name in the system that can be referred to in other logic components through the scripting system

PROPERTY_SET: ClassificationTag

Property Name Type Localized Description
Tag Text field N A label that is associated with the item it's been configured to